Further Information

In the following, a few further topics on convert4print are outlined, together with references to further information on these topics in the convert4print-Wiki and on our company website.


If you first just want to test whether convert4print can convert your print outputs correctly, for ZPL and Prescribe print data there is the possibility to use our web application convert4print-Studio. The use is anonymous and free of charge.

To present the studio there are two videos on our YouTube-channel:

If you want to test convert4print once in your own environment without obligation, you can download and install the current version from the download area in the first step.

A manual guides you through the installation and introduces the convert4print components.

In addition, you can also watch the video tutorials on our YouTube-channel.

Licensing of the test is done via a management console available in the cloud, for which you may need to enable the outgoing (!) port 55573 in your firewall.

The evaluation of the Professional-Edition is anonymous, free of charge and without obligation. Only if you also want to try out gateways or do load tests, please contact us beforehand via the contact form so that we can activate the required licenses.

An evaluation of the convert4print Entry-Edition is possible at any time anonymously, free of charge and without obligation. Details can be found in the corresponding chapter of the Wiki.


The use of convert4print is exclusively regulated by licensing the individual converters or gateways. A central license file determines which converter type or gateway type may be used how often.

Licenses for convert4print can be purchased, rented or billed according to actual use (click concept). As a special feature of convert4print, so-called non-dedicated licenses are also offered, which make the use in large installations even more economical.

For details on licensing, please read the corresponding section in the Wiki.


The costs for a convert4print system are calculated exclusively from the type and number of converters and gateways used. Otherwise there are no computer-dependent costs, so that the converters and gateways can be distributed to several computers if required!

The prices for the purchase of a converter license depend on the type, and start at 270.00 Euro (60 pages/minute, recommended retail price, plus VAT). If several licenses are purchased, an attractive discount scale reduces these prices considerably.

The prices for the purchase of a gateways license depend on the type, and start at 750.00 Euro (1,200 pages/minute, recommended retail price, plus VAT). If several licenses are purchased, a discount scale reduces these prices.

The prices for rent are dependent on duration of the contract 2 to 4 percent of the installation value per month (incl. subscription). The prices for an installation based on clicks start at 100.00 Euro per quarter (incl. 10,000 clicks).

All prices are retail prices. Resellers naturally receive attractive purchase prices.


The legal details for the use of convert4print are regulated in a special license agreement, the exact wording of which can be found on this website. It also explains the advantages of the optional subscription agreement. Its complete wording can also be found here.


The Wiki is the source for all technical information about convert4print and also makes the documentation available online.

A separate news blog and a tips and tricks section provide even experienced users with new information and suggestions.